Space Quiz

Welcome to the small Space Quiz! This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the age of the Earth, the formation of the Moon, the process by which heavier elements are formed in stars, the name of the process by which the Earth's crust is broken …

Story of The Moon

The Moon is a celestial object that orbits the Earth and is the fifth-largest moon in the solar system. It is about one-quarter the size of the Earth and its distance from us is approximately 2,38,855 miles ( 3,84,400 kilometres ).   The Moon is tho…

Idioms related to animals

A list of common idioms related to  animals: 1. Let the cat out of the bag: This means to reveal a secret accidentally or unintentionally.   2. Big fish in a small pond: This means someone who is important or influential in a small community b…

Formation of Earth

The formation of Earth began around 4.6 billion years ago , shortly after the formation of the solar system. It is believed that Earth was formed from the accretion of smaller planetesimals and dust particles in a protoplanetary disk that surroun…

Our History | Big Bang to Modern Day | Timeline | India

A Timeline of Major Events from the Big Bang to Modern-Day India  1. The Big Bang Theory: The current scientific explanation for the origin of the universe, states that the universe began as a singularity approximately 13.8 billion years ago. 2. For…

Secrets of the universe

How did the universe begin?   The universe began with the Big Bang, a massive explosion that occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago. What is the ultimate fate of the universe?   The ultimate fate of the universe is currently a to…

Major Religion of the World

Here is an estimated percentage of followers for the major religions of the world: Christianity: 31.2% Islam: 24.1% Hinduism: 15.1% Buddhism: 6.9% Sikhism: 1.3% Judaism: 0.2% Baha'i Faith: 0.1% …

Anangtal Baoli | The Lost Baoli of Delhi

ANANGTAL BAOLI - MEHRAULI - LOST HISTORY OF DELHI - HISTORICAL PLACES IN DELHI Delhi, the capital of India, has great historical significance as it has been the capital of several empires in its Past. It has been ruled by some of India's most po…

Prime Ministers of India

PRIME MINISTERS OF INDIA from 1947 to 2024 The Prime Minister of India is the head of the executive of the Government of India. The Prime Minister is also the President of India's chief adviser and the leader of the Council of Ministers. They ca…

Divisibility Rule

The fastest way to check the divisibility of a number -Divisibility Rule - (2 to 15) A divisibility rule is a quick approach to see if an integer is divisible by a specific number without actually doing the math, usually by looking at its digits. Wa…

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