Idioms related to animals

Animal idioms study with sam

A list of common idioms related to animals:

1. Let the cat out of the bag: This means to reveal a secret accidentally or unintentionally.


2. Big fish in a small pond: This means someone who is important or influential in a small community but might not have the same level of success in a larger one.


3. Chicken out: This means to back out of something due to fear or cowardice.


4. Coward as a hare: This means to be very afraid or timid, like a hare that is known for being easily frightened.


5. Fox in the henhouse: This means a situation where someone or something with bad intentions is in a position of power or control over something valuable or vulnerable.


6. In a catbird seat: This means to be in a position of advantage or power.


7. Kill two birds with one stone: This means to achieve two things with a single action.


8. Quick as a cat: This means to be quick and agile, like a cat.


9. Like a bull in a China shop: This means to be clumsy or destructive, especially in a delicate or controlled environment.


10. Wild goose chase: This means a futile or fruitless pursuit of something.


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